L04 Live Consultation - Triple Healing for Triple Trauma - #16 Withdrawer Reengagement (EFCT Stage 2 : Steps 5 -7)
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L05 Live Consultation : EFIT with Developmental Trauma / Complex PTSD (Mandarin)
Course從童年到現在都不斷受傷的案主,經常情緒失控和失去 自己所珍惜的關係 通過情緒取向個人治療以及與治療師的安全依附,案主 開始重塑她與傷害她的人,與自己不同的部分,與孩子和 信仰群體的關係. 並藉糾正性的情緒經驗,建立連貫性, 整合的自我觀感,從而康復和成長
L06 Live Consultation - EFFT Emotionally Focused Family Therapy - Shutdown youth breaking out : Sessions 1 to 12 宅男的出路: 晤談1-12
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Trainers' Clinic 2019
Course(1) Adolescent School refusal (2) EFIT with developmental Trauma Complex (PTSD) (3) Angry father, ASD, PTSD child (4) Family with ADHD child
Emotionally Focused Therapy Trainer's Clinic Replay (17 April 2021)
Coursehelps son get in touch with his deepest need (identity) and express to parents but mom was pulled away by her anxiety, fear and guilt
CourseBreaking the chains of shame with EFFT