Course User Agreement 課程使用者協議

  1. Users of these courses are hereby referred to as "Users." 這些課程的使用者特此稱為“使用者”。
  2. In emergency situations or times if the user is at imminent risk of hurting themselves or others, they will need to go to the closest emergency department or call the emergency hotline for immediate assistance. 在緊急情況或使用者即將面臨傷害自己或其他人的危險情況下,使用者必須去最近的急症室或撥打緊急熱線以獲得即時幫助。
  3. These courses are educational programs that do not replace the need for professional mental health help and medications. Users need to continue their current treatment during the live, in-person, online, self or group study course. 這些教育課程不能取代專業的心理健康幫助和藥物。使用者需要在現場,線上,小組或自學課程期間繼續目前的治療。
  4. For live, in-person or online courses, even though the facilitators may be trained and licensed mental health professionals, they may not be acting as their professional counsellor in their role as course facilitator. 至於現場或線上的課程,儘管課程導師可能是受過培訓並獲得牌照的精神衛生專業人士,但他們可能在課程中並不是擔任專業治療師的角色。
  5. Users are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the content for which the user has paid all required fees, solely for their personal, non-commercial, educational purposes. Content is licensed, and not sold, to the user. This license does not give the user any right to resell the content in any manner. The exception is if a group package was purchased, in which case the members of the group can share course materials. 使用者被授予有限的、非獨佔的、不可轉讓的許可,可以存取和查看用戶已支付所有所需費用的內容,僅用於個人、非商業、教育目的。內容是授權給使用者的,而不是出售給使用者的。本授權不授予使用者以任何方式轉售內容的權利。因此,使用者同意不分享或複製任何課程材料。例外情況是如果購買了團體套餐,在這種情況下,團體成員可以共享課程材料。
  6. Lifetime access license is generally granted to users when they enroll in a course. However, we reserve the right to revoke any license to access and use any content at any point in time in the event where we decide or are obligated to disable access to the content due to legal or policy reasons. This lifetime access license does not apply to enrollments via Subscription Plans which users are enrolled in. 當使用者註冊課程時,他們通常會彼授予終身訪問許可。但是,如果我們因法律或政策原因決定或有義務禁止存取內容,我們保留隨時撤銷任何存取和使用任何內容的許可的權利。此終身存取許可證不適用於透過使用者註冊的訂閱方案進行的註冊。
  7. The course material may be presented from both a Christian and scientific perspective. If these perspectives are not acceptable to the user, then this course may not be appropriate for them. 課程教材可能是基於基督教和科學的角度。如果這些觀點對使用者不可接受,那麼本課程可能不適合他們。
  8. Users need to maintain sufficient emotionally stability, able to commit the time required, concentrate, absorb the key concepts, complete the basic exercises and not to be at risk to themselves or others so that their learning can be safe and productive. Users who need additional help are asked to consult their helping professionals. 使用者需要能夠保持足夠的情緒穩定,付出所需的時間,集中精神,吸收重要的概念,完成基本的練習以及不要對自己或他人構成危險,以便保持安全和有效的學習。需要額外幫助的使用者必須諮詢幫助他們的專業協助人士。
  9. Most users may benefit from listening to the audio or watching the video content several times to improve comprehension and retention. 大多數使用者可能會多次收聽音頻或觀看視頻內容而得益,並提高理解和吸收。
    Engaging with the audio / video and written course material for each session and completion of the self-reflection and skill building exercises are required for maximum benefit and growth. 為了得到最大收穫和成長,使用者需要投入每課堂的音頻/視頻和書本教材,以及完成課堂中自我反思和培養技巧的練習。
  10. For optimal learning, users need to set aside time each week to listen to the audio or watch the video content at least once and review each lesson. The audios can be loaded on mobile devices and used while doing chores or exercise for most efficient use of time. 為了獲得最佳的學習效果,使用者需要每週安排時間來至少聽一次音頻或看一次視頻內容並查看每課堂的資料。音頻可以加載到手提設備上,並在做家務或運動時使用,以最有效的方法運用時間。
  11. Users are also encouraged to complete self-assessments they may receive before and after the course to gauge their progress and encourage self-awareness and self-reflection, the first step in personal growth. 鼓勵使用者在課程前後完成可能獲得的自我評估,以衡量他們的進步,並鼓勵自我察覺和自我反思,這是個人成長的第一步。
  12. Users participating in groups will keep the personal sharing and discussion confidential to protect each other’s privacy. 採用小組模式的使用者將保密個人分享和討論,保護彼此的隱私。
  13. Users participating in groups may support each other through mutual acceptance, understanding, validation, empathy and encouragement. 採用小組模式的使用者可以通過互相接納、了解、肯定、同理和鼓勵來彼此支持。
  14. Users acknowledge that their personal growth is their own responsibility. They understand that they are fully and solely responsible for the results and decisions they make regarding their use of this course.使用者承認個人成長是他們自己的責任。他們明白並對自己在此課程內所作的選擇和後果承擔所有責任。
  15. Users release the course developer and all related institutions and organizations from any and all liability and accept full responsibility for their involvement in this course and the use of any related materials.使用者允許課程設計者,以及所有相關機構和組織免去所有的責任。使用者對參與此課程和使用相關教材願負全部責任。

Website's terms of use are available at 網站使用條款可在此查看