Journey to Wholeness 整全之旅
Coming Home to the Self 回歸真我
Course Objectives 課程學習目標:
Terms 學期:
In the first term "Preparing for the Journey," we will introduce the map, tools and resources needed for this most important journey, going inside you. 在第一階段「旅程之前的準備」,我們將介紹這段最重要旅程所需的地圖、工具和資源,深入您的內心。
In our second term, Embarking on the journey, we will access and overcome the blocks and utilizing the attachment resources in our journey to wholeness coming home to the self. 在第二階段「旅程開展」,我們將在通往整全之旅 的旅程中,回歸真我,克服障礙並利用依附資源。
In our third term "Completing the journey," we will go deeper in accessing and overcoming the blocks and utilizing the attachment resources in our journey to wholeness coming home to the self. 在我們的第三階段「完成旅程」,我們將在通往整全之旅 的旅程中,回歸真我,我們將更深入地克服障礙並利用依附資源。