EQ Growth Pass 情商培育通行證
A curated library of videos designed to enhance your mental wellbeing and relationships. 一個精心挑選的影片庫,旨在增進你的心理健康和人際關係。
Gain access to our bundle of learning materials through a personal membership. Each monthly subscription is intended for individual or household use, ensuring a personalized experience. For details, please refer to the User Agreement for EQ Resources.
透過個人會員資格,獲取我們一系列的學習資料。每個月度訂閱僅供個人或家庭使用,以確保個性化的體驗。詳情請參閱 EQ資源的使用者協議。
EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) refers to an index of emotional intelligence, measuring the ability to process emotional information and use it in reasoning and other cognitive activities. EQ is a crucial skill that can help you succeed in school, at home, and in life.
情緒商數(英語:Emotional Intelligence Quotient,縮寫為EQ,簡稱情商),是一種自我情緒處理及管理的指數。EQ是一項至關重要的技能,可以幫助你在學校、家庭和生活中成功。
With our EQ resources, you may 通過我們的EQ資源,你將能夠:
Understand your own feelings and the feelings of others. 瞭解自己的情感以及他人的情感。
Learn how to manage your emotions effectively. 學會有效地管理情感。
Improve your communication and conflict resolution skills. 提高溝通和解決衝突的能力。
Build stronger relationships and connect with others on a deeper level. 建立更強的人際關係,與他人建立更深層次的聯絡。
Explore our informative and enriching videos that focus on improving emotional intelligence. Our content is suitable for individuals, couples, and families with children, providing valuable insights into mental well-being.
All Courses 全部課程, Growth for Individuals 個人成長
In the first term "Preparing for the Journey," we will introduce the map, tools and resources needed for this most important journey, going inside you. 在第一階段「旅程之前的準備」,我們將介紹這段最重要旅程所需的地圖、工具和資源,深入您的內心。
All Courses 全部課程, Growth for Individuals 個人成長
In our second term, Embarking on the journey, we will access and overcome the blocks and utilizing the attachment resources in our journey to wholeness coming home to the self. 在第二階段「旅程開展」,我們將在通往整全之旅 的旅程中,回歸真我,克服障礙並利用依附資源。
All Courses 全部課程, Growth for Individuals 個人成長
In our third term "Completing the journey," we will go deeper in accessing and overcoming the blocks and utilizing the attachment resources in our journey to wholeness coming home to the self. 在我們的第三階段「完成旅程」,我們將在通往整全之旅 的旅程中,回歸真我,我們將更深入地克服障礙並利用依附資源。
All Courses 全部課程, Growth for Individuals 個人成長
This course replay is currently only available to participants of this course. Participants who want to watch please sign up first and we will approve as soon as possible. 本課程重溫暫時祇開放給本課程的參加者。參加者如欲觀看請先登記,我們會盡快審批。
All Courses 全部課程, Growth for Individuals 個人成長
All Courses 全部課程, Growth for Individuals 個人成長